10 Side Effects of Coconut Water

Coconut water, sometimes known as the “Magic Drink” or “Nature’s Drink,” has a plethora of health benefits. But there are a few disadvantages of coconut water that can make you reconsider consuming it. Today, we tell you 10 side effects of coconut water you should know before you consume it.

side effects of drinking too much coconut water

Coconut water has a natural sugar content that can lead to dental caries if you don’t brush your teeth every day. It can also cause blood sugar levels to rise in diabetics. These are just a few of the side effects of drinking too much coconut water.

10 Disadvantages Of Coconut Water

1. Coconut water and diarrhea

Coconut water and diarrhea

coconut water causes loose motion if you consume it too much. Coconut water is a natural laxative, some people who experience constipation may find it unsuitable. Therefore, caution should be exercised before ingesting a significant quantity of coconut water.

2. Is Not The Ideal Drink For Athletes

If you would rather drink plain water instead of coconut water to combat dehydration right after an exercise, then that is your preference. Some people called it nature’s sports drink but regular water unquestionably contains more salt than coconut water.

nature's sports drink

Additionally, the carbohydrate level of coconut water is far lower than that of several sports energy beverages. Comparing coconut water to other sports beverages, the salt content is only a tenth as high.

3. It Might Not Be Beneficial For Those With Allergy Symptoms

The protein termed tropomyosin, which is included in coconut water, may cause an allergic reaction in those who are sensitive to nuts. Coconuts and tree nuts are related.

It is worth noting that the FDA has classified “tree nuts” as a “major food allergen” on its list of products. It has, and the list of tree nuts also contains coconut as one of the food products that can cause an allergic reaction in some people.

10 Disadvantages Of Coconut Water

Frequently reported mild coconut allergy symptoms include swelling of the lips, tongue, or cheeks, itching, and trouble breathing. In an extremely rare instance, it could also lead to anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal allergic reaction.

4. Diuretic effect of coconut water

Coconut water has diuretic properties. One of the health risks of coconut water is that you are required to take a break and visit the loo several times. Coconut water can be hydrating in moderation, but consuming too much of it might be harmful.

health risks of coconut water

Drinking coconut water at night can cause blood sugar levels to rise and increase urination in those with diabetes. This can cause repeated nighttime toilet excursions, which can interfere with sleep.

5. Coconut Water & Electrolytes

One of the reasons coconut water is a wonder drink is because of its high potassium content. However, if ingested in excess, the same reason can render coconut water lethal.

Coconut Water & Electrolytes

In one case, a man spent the entire day playing tennis outside at 90 degrees Fahrenheit. He inadvertently consumed an incredible 88 ounces of coconut water, leading to hyperkalemia—a condition that worsened over time.

Within minutes, hyperkalemia can induce unconsciousness in addition to weakness and dizziness.

6. Coconut water leads to diabetes

Coconut water contains natural sugars in the following forms: fructose, glucose, and sucrose. There is a possibility that they could increase your blood sugar levels. Your blood sugar level may not rise quickly after consuming these natural carbohydrates.

demerits of coconut water

However, some brands of packaged coconut water may contain added sugars or flavors. These may increase the sugar content and the GI, resulting in a faster blood sugar spike, thereby making it one of the demerits of coconut water.

7. May Lower Your Blood Pressure Too Much

side effects of Coconut water

One of the side effects in the 10 side effects of Coconut water is that it might lower your blood pressure. It may cause your blood pressure to drop even lower if you are already taking medicine for high blood pressure.

8. Coconut Water is not good for Kidneys

Is coconut water good for the kidneys? The answer is no, It is advised that people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) refrain from consuming coconut water. Due to kidney patients’ high potassium intake, hyperkalemia—a potentially fatal condition—may be brought on by the water’s high potassium level.

Coconut water for kidneys

It might lessen the kidneys’ ability to excrete ions. Coconut water for kidneys might conflict with medications taken to treat concomitant conditions like diabetes mellitus and heart failure or to slow the progression of CKD. There is also a higher chance of experiencing irregular heartbeats and sudden death.

9. Coconut Water Might Cause Flaccid Paralysis

One of the side effects of drinking coconut water daily is that it might cause Flaccid Paralysis. An elderly patient was reported to have acute flaccid paralysis as a result of consuming excessive amounts of King Coconut Water.

side effects of drinking coconut water daily

He experienced limb weakness and was unable to walk. A closer look revealed kidney failure and elevated potassium levels. Thus, after consuming coconut water, some people may have paralysis, albeit this is uncommon.

10. Might Lead To Fatal 3-Nitropropionic Acid Poisoning

Coconuts can become contaminated by the fungus Arthrinium saccharicola, which can produce potentially lethal symptoms. After ingesting coconut water, an older Danish patient developed sweats, nausea, and vomiting. Additionally, there was a decrease in mental state, disorientation, dystonia (uncontrollable muscle contractions), and impaired balance.

fatal 3-nitro propionic acid poisoning after consuming coconut water

He became extremely sick, experienced encephalopathy (a decrease in brain function brought on by toxins), and passed out. Subsequently, the condition was shown to be caused by highly fatal 3-nitro propionic acid poisoning after consuming coconut water caused by fungal contamination.

The coconut was meant to be refrigerated at 4°C to 5°C, but instead, it was left out on the kitchen table for a month after purchase. Thus, to prevent such situations, store your coconuts and coconut water properly.


Tree nuts include coconuts. As a result, certain individuals who drink coconut water may be more sensitive to allergies, including those to tree nuts. Individuals who are prone to allergies should avoid coconut water.

coconut water

So, these are 10 side effects of coconut water if you consume it excessively. Anything is harmful if you take it at a high level. Coconut is a tree nut. It is beneficial for health but take it in the right quantity and the right manner.

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