Combatting Heart Attack

Combatting Heart Attack: An specialist emphasized the significance of avoiding the five “S”: salt, sugar, sitting, sleep, and stress to combat the silent pandemic of heart ailments. The 5 ‘S’ strategy helps you against combatting heart attack.

Diseases of the heart have become the leading cause of death worldwide. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), which include rheumatic heart disease, coronary heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease, claim the lives of about 17.9 million people worldwide. So, today we talk about how to stop a heart attack.

how to stop a heart attack

Heart attacks among young people in India have been on the rise lately, and the majority of experts attribute this to lifestyle choices.

Young people are more susceptible to conditions that can raise their chance of developing heart disease, according to Consultant cardiologist Dr. Ravi Prakash, who works at PSRI Hospital in New Delhi. So, What are the ways to prevent a heart attack?

How To Prevent a Heart Attack

In certain cases, Although genetics may be involved, Dr. Prakash noted that alterations in lifestyle are significant factors in the rising number of heart attacks among younger people.

How To Prevent a Heart Attack

He emphasized the significance of avoiding the five “S”: sugar, salt, sitting, sleep, and stress to fight this hidden pandemic.


Although salt is necessary for body processes, moderation is the key. The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning regarding sodium consumption, claiming that it is a major global cause of illness and death.

ways of heart attack treatment

Consuming a lot of salt is associated with high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. We must watch what we eat and reduce sodium to protect our cardiovascular health. So, reducing the usage of sodium is one of the ways of heart attack treatment.


Tooth decay is not the only risk associated with increased sugar. Consuming too much sugar increases the risk of heart disease because it can result in diabetes and obesity, both of which have serious consequences for the cardiovascular system.

prevent heart attacks with good health choices

To maintain the health of our hearts, it is essential to limit our consumption of sugar and choose healthier options. Always remember we prevent heart attacks with good health choices.


lifestyle changes to prevent a heart attack

Our hearts are suffering as a result of our sedentary lives. Studies indicate that prolonged sitting can disrupt metabolic health, leading to increased risks of heart disease. Incorporating regular physical activity into our daily routine is one of the lifestyle changes to prevent a heart attack.


optimal heart health

More than just a luxury, getting a good night’s sleep is essential for heart health. An increased risk of heart disease has been linked to disturbed or inadequate sleep. Maintaining optimal heart health requires getting enough good sleep.


Although stress is an inevitable part of life, it can have a disastrous effect on our cardiovascular system if it is not managed. Although stress is a natural part of life, it can be harmful if it is not controlled. When someone is under stress, the hormone cortisol is released.

common heart disease risk factors

Research indicates that prolonged stress can raise blood pressure, triglycerides, blood sugar, and cholesterol due to elevated cortisol levels. These conditions are common heart disease risk factors.

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