UP Man bitten by a snake

Snake Bite Uttar Pradesh Man: A 24-year-old UP man in Fatehpur was bitten by a snake an astounding seventh time in the previous forty days, leaving him hospitalized in critical condition. Although his status is stable, his family is concerned about the frequent snakebite incidents. it’s one of the strange snakebite cases in India.

Snake Bite Uttar Pradesh Man

UP man gets bitten by a snake every Saturday

In less than 40 days, or just more than a month, a snake bites a 24-year-old man in Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh, not once, not twice, but an incredible seven times. Vikas Dubey was admitted to the hospital after becoming pretty ill following the seventh bite, but he is now stable.

snake bites a 24 year old man

Dubey, a resident of the district’s Soura hamlet, was bitten by a snake on Thursday night at his uncle’s home. Snake bites claimed Dubey’s life six times between June 2 and July 6.

Due to Dubey’s repeated snakebite experiences, his family was concerned and said he had a premonition he would only survive the eighth bite out of nine. Once the ninth bite had occurred, they vowed to murder him, saying that not even a priest, physician, or ‘tantrik’ (occultist) could save him.

snakebite experiences

On June 2, after Dubey got out of bed at his house, there was the first incident. He was taken to a local hospital and given medical attention there.

Vikas was bitten by a snake even after changing places

Dubey was told to leave his house and stay someplace else after the fourth snakebite. After relocating to his aunt’s home in Radhanagar, he suffered his fifth bite.

After his fifth bite, Dubey’s parents took him back to his house. He was bitten by a snake again on July 6, which worsened his health. His parents took him to the hospital out of concern for his health, where he received treatment for snakebite and made a full recovery.

snakebite treatment

UP man had previously claimed that he always had a premonition before getting bitten by a snake and that the bites usually happened on a Saturday or Sunday.

The physician attending to him following his seventh snake bite says it will require an additional 12 to 24 hours to adequately evaluate his condition.

snakebite cases in India

Dubey’s condition substantially worsened after 9 p.m. on Thursday, according to Dr. Jawahar, who is currently managing him, but he is now stable.

He underlined how dire things were and asked the family to speak with other experts. In contrast to earlier occurrences, the doctor also observed that Dubey was unable to characterize the snake’s look this time.

Read more: 10 Most Venomous Animals In The World: Deadly Creatures You Should Know About

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