9 Interesting Facts About Chocolate: Chocolate You Probably Never Knew Before..

Almost everyone you speak to will admit that they are chocolate lovers. 9 Interesting Facts About Chocolate: It’s among the world’s most beloved confections. Since you were a child, you have undoubtedly consumed chocolate without giving it much thought.

Having a piece of chocolate is such a basic pleasure that we take it for granted in many parts of the world. However, how much of a chocolate expert are you really? Many people are unaware of the fact that chocolate is actually shrouded in mystery. Discover 9 amazing chocolate-related facts that you probably didn’t know before by reading on.

These are 9 Interesting Facts About Chocolate: Chocolate You Probably Never Knew Before are as follow :

Chocolate is actually a fruit!

Interesting facts about chocolate

Though it is not quite a fruit on its own, it is quite close. The cacao pods used to make chocolate are produced by the Theobroma tree, which also contains chocolate. The beans are taken out of the cacao pods, roasted, and ground into what is known and loved as chocolate.

400 beans are used to make a pound of chocolate. 

  Interesting Facts About Chocolates

To make one pound of chocolate, many cacao beans need to be harvested. About 40 beans are contained in each cacao pod, so in order to produce as much chocolate as the world needs on a constant basis, farmers must harvest a large number of beans from the Theobroma tree.

The Theobroma tree makes a lot of beans per season. 

For every year that they live, a Theobroma tree can produce around 2500 beans each harvest season. This means that each tree can yield about 6.25 pounds of chocolate. This roughly translates into about 33 big chocolate bars. That means a lot of trees are needed to keep the chocolate coming.

Farmers spend a lot of time nurturing these trees before yields are possible.

Each tree takes about four to five years before they are ready to yield cacao pods. This means that farmers must continuously nurture the tree to maturity before they are profitable. 

Hot chocolate is the original treat. 

 Interesting Facts About Chocolate You Probably

Hot chocolate was the first confection made with chocolate. Since it was an extremely rare and highly esteemed delicacy, only royalty had access to it. Chocolate-based treats and candies became more widely accessible to the general public after machines were developed to produce chocolate on a larger scale.

West Africa produces the most chocolate in the world. 

West_Africa70% of the chocolate produced worldwide comes from the Ivory Coast, in West Africa. The chocolate produced in the Ivory Coast has a distinct flavor. Its mild flavor makes it ideal for use in candy bar coatings in the commercial sector.

The chocolate candy bar was first invented in 1847. 

Joseph Fry and his son created the chocolate candy bar as we know it today in Britain in 1847. Since then, this original candy bar has expanded into an endless variety of chocolate candies and treats, catering to every type of palate.

White chocolate is not really made from chocolate.

It’s not made in the same way as the chocolate that we know as chocolate, though. It has sugar, milk, vanilla, and cocoa butter. It maintains its white color by omitting cocoa liquor, a crucial component that gives conventional chocolate its deep brown hue. White chocolate tastes creamier and lighter than regular chocolate because of this.

Chocolate actually makes you happier. 

Even on their own, the act of eating chocolate and its delightful flavor are probably sources of joy. However, there are chemicals in chocolate that uplift your mood. Chocolate’s amino acids cause your brain to release endorphins and serotonin, which make you happy.

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