QR Codes vs Barcodes

QR Codes vs Barcodes Code : Let’s discuss the difference between Barcode and QR Code in this article. It is recommended to learn the full form of QR Code before proceeding.

difference between barcode and qr code

The primary distinction between barcodes and QR codes is one of physical dimensions. Barcodes can be scanned in a line. This means that data can only be stored in a single length of stripes. QR codes, on the other hand, provide an additional dimension for writing and scanning information.

QR Codes vs Barcodes Code:

1. Barcode :

Barcode and QR Code generator

We can store numbers in a format that computers can interpret thanks to barcodes. This is used to store data in a format that can be scanned to retrieve data in either 1D or 2D. Stores utilize it to keep track of their patients in case of rental car services needing to know where the automobile is in relation to airline luggage.

  1. It was developed in 1952.
  2. It was created by Norman Joseph Woodland.
  3. There are two varieties: one dimensional and two dimensional.
  4. It is a method of keeping numbers in a format that can be read by computers and printed.
  5. It is used in retail establishments to track every item that is bought, in medical facilities to track patient records, in the automobile rental industry, and in the transportation of mail, nuclear waste, and luggage on airplanes.
  6. It is based on Morse Code technology.
  7. Compared to Fastag, it has less data storage.
  8. It is, as stated in the normal version, a vertical arrangement of parallel lines.
  9. A single barcode is scanned at a time.
  10. It stores less information than QR codes.

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2. QR Code :

Barcode and QR Code Scanner device

Data can be stored in a computer-readable format using QR codes, which can then be scanned with a QR code scanner to access the data.
These are commonly used today for cashless and UPI payment systems. They can be used to identify people as well as to share images, videos, and other things.

  1. It was developed in 1994.
  2. It was created by Masahiro Hara.
  3. It is a type of two-dimensional barcode or printed data representation that may be scanned to get information.
  4. It is utilized for data transfer in supermarkets, hospitals, and cinemas, as well as by individuals.
  5. It is based on Morse code technology.
  6. It can store more data than barcodes.
  7. It consists of square dots on square grids.
  8. Both vertical and horizontal information storage is provided.
  9. Because multimedia data is stored on it, it has a larger data storage capacity than barcodes.
  10. Only one QR code is examined at once.

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