5 way mentally strong people deal with rejection

Moving On Gracefully : How to deal with a girl that doesn’t love you

Moving On Gracefully: There was an ex who just wouldn’t let go. It reached the point of cyberstalking so I had to involve our parents,” shared a dear friend when I asked her if she knew anyone who’d benefit from a story like How to Let Go of a Woman Who’s Not Ready to Love You.Gracefully Moving On.

Moving On Gracefully

It’s tough for one and it’s scary for the other one. Be it a man or a woman, letting go is easy for no one.

Dealing with unrequited love is an emotional rollercoaster. When you find yourself caught in feelings that aren’t reciprocated, it’s a tough spot to navigate. You might feel a whirlwind of emotions, from hope to heartache. It’s like standing at a crossroads, torn between ego and emotions.

As real or pure or spiteful your love may be, you cannot force anyone to love you back. It’s not human. Those tactics published on the pages of Google won’t work. Those “Get your love back” mantras won’t work. And I assure you, those vashikaran poojas will not work either.

All it will do is drain your money, self-esteem, and energy.

Gracefully Moving On

But you are desperate. Desperate enough to try every expedient that exists in this whole wide world.

So for those who are still trying; believing that the harder you try, the more accurately your lover or universe will listen to you – good luck. Moving On Gracefully.

And those who feel all cleared out, have understood that you truly cannot pull anyone towards yourself by pushing them, here’s how to gracefully, and respectfully let go of someone who is not ready to love you.

1. Easier said than done but STOP

Stop having struggling conversations with people whose views you cannot change.

Stop showing up—positively or negatively—for people who aren’t in the mindset to acknowledge your presence.

Breaking up with a guy

Stop putting people who make you an option on a pedestal.Gracefully moving on from a guy.

You may not be ready to stop loving people who aren’t ready to love you but stop showing them that you do.

Stop inviting people who have not respectfully bought the entry ticket to the exhibition of love that’s set in your heart.

Right now it may feel like the toughest thing to do because your instinct is to do whatever you can to earn the good graces of that one person, but that is also the impulse that will rob you of your sanity.

2. Show up for yourself

Do the sanest thing you can do. Show up wholly and completely, with joy interest, and commitment wherever you go even when the person you love is not ready to meet you at the same vibration.

Showing up for yourself means not changing for anyone but yourself. Grow, don’t change to keep someone in your life. Don’t go cyberstalking. Don’t go on a dialing binge. Don’t go calling their friends. That’s not who you are.Gracefully moving on from a guy you love.

The end-of-the-road result will not be a respectful relationship or closure from the one you love but a disrespectful image where you’ve exhaustively irritated this person.

3. Save your energy at all costs

If you’re left feeling unacknowledged, subtly insulted, or easily disregarded by someone who’s important to you, you’re doing yourself a solid disservice by offering your energy to them—be it in the form of physically chasing them or mentally, obsessively thinking about them.

Five signs she doesn't love you anymore

Acknowledge your feelings fully but also accept that you’re not for everyone and everyone is not for you. This is what makes you special. So it shouldn’t make you sad and it mustn’t make other people feel scared of you or repel you.

The most valuable, important thing that you have in your life is your energy. It is not your time, it is your energyEnergy is your money. What you invest it in, you will create more of it.

When you realize it, you spend it wisely.

4. I don’t chase, I attract

“If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration” – Nikola Tesla

Those of you who understand this, are already half way through the healing process of life. Much like in FM radio, you can listen to songs of whichever channel’s frequency you tune in to, in life, you get to be with people who are at the same vibration as you.

5 signs she doesn t love you psychology

It’s the simplest of science but hardest to apply when you’re on a low frequency.

So sit back like a king. Use all the right ways to raise your vibration. And watch the universe serve you the platter you ordered (in its own time, in its ways.)

5. Value time—yours and theirs

The longer you spend trying to force someone to love you when they aren’t ready, the longer you’re robbing yourself of that very connection.

It may be waiting for you to happen—in a few days or the distant future. Or maybe something better is waiting for you. Out of the billions of people on the planet, someone will meet you at your level.

Stop investing in the ones who aren’t. It’s not that they don’t want to, they just can’t. Let’s respect that.

Gracefully Moving On

The longer you stay small, tucked into the familiarity of this person who feels like a cushion but uses you like a back burner option or a free therapist, the longer you keep yourself away from the community that’s right for you.

Maybe you won’t feel like picking up or looking at your phone for a few days if you let them go.

Maybe it will all come to an end and dissolve like gelatin in water.

That doesn’t mean you ruined your chances. It means that the only thing sustaining that bond was your energy and imagine, how exhausting it must have been for your mind, heart, and soul to keep up with this attachment.


Make your life a haven in which only people who care about you, listen to you, and connect with you are allowed.

Nobody may know why you aren’t able to let go of her but know that you’re not responsible for saving everyone, you cannot. It is not your job to convince anyone to love you.

It is not your job to show up to anyone who has been taking away your energy, little by little, moment by moment, without reciprocating.

5 Ways Mentally Strong Feelers Deal With Rejection

It is your job to realize that you are first your savior and lover rather than anybody else’s. You’re deserving of real friendship, true commitment, and complete love.

Sit in the darkness that you feel just for a little while and watch your life change for good.You have to move on .

Loving someone who doesn’t love you back doesn’t make you any less important. And if someone is unable to love you back, it doesn’t make them evil. Sometimes you just need to say “It is what it is” for your good and move on.

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