Food and the monsoon season are closely related because of their distinct environmental characteristics and possible health hazards. Stay safe this monsoon: Monsoon-induced increases in humidity and rainfall make perfect conditions for the growth of bacteria and fungus. Because of the increased moisture, food supplies may become contaminated, and properContinue Reading

Smoking could be most important factor affecting cognition with age: An extensive 13-year European study including 32,000 participants found that smoking accelerates the rate of cognitive impairment in older adults more than other lifestyle factors. Giving up smoking might be the best strategy for maintaining mental clarity. Lead scientist MikaelaContinue Reading

The secret to a healthy lifestyle and improved weight control is a nutritious diet and balanced way of living. Keeping a food and weight journal, getting social support, and exercising frequently are some weight loss strategies. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 93.3 million adultsTrusted Source in theContinue Reading